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Regular Meeting
April 10, 2007, 6:00 P.M.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Present:  Hovious, Ferguson, Wilson, Barkman, Kaley
Also Present:  Rob Sibley

Executive Session to discuss potential purchases of properties – started at 5:06 p.m.

The public hearing was called to order at 6:07 p.m.

I.       Public Participation
There were no members of the public present

II.     Old Business
1.      Newbrook Subdivision
James Murphy, Esq., representing the applicant, submitted revised open space map #5 dated 4/5/07 which included changes suggested by the Commission.  A second map revised 4/9/07 was also submitted.  It was noted that the water quality basin, storm drain and rain garden are no longer in the open space.  He explained the ratio requirements stated on the map.  The open space connecting strip is 10 ft. wide

Mr. Sibley noted that P&Z might want to establish control with a physical passage and markers.

Commissioner Cramer joined the meeting at 6:25 p.m.

Commissioners Hovious and Wilson will research the changes and forward their comments to the Commission.  Mr. Murphy asked for feedback in time to prepare maps reflecting any possible changes.

Matthew Popp, Environmental Land Solutions, LLC submitted the final plan regarding invasive species.

2.      Commerce Road Economic Development/Open Space Discussion
Commissioner Hovious had received some follow-up information requested of Elizabeth Stocker.  Commissioner Cramer summarized a discussion of the sub-Committee.  A draft letter had been drawn up for discussion and approval to be forwarded to Chet Hopper and First Selectman with the potential of sending a press release stating the concerns of the Conservation Commission about how the Tech Park property is being handled.

Commissioner Kaley moved the following:

Given that:
1.      The Conservation Commission is the agency delegated responsibility for Open Space in Newtown;
2.      The Conservation Commission has carefully considered the combined Economic Development and Open Space property conveyed to Newtown and, using the Commission’s standard criteria for OS property evaluation, rated it the highest of all properties evaluated to date;
3.      The Conservation Commission has reviewed a number of plans to date prepared by the Economic Development Commission with regard to property in the combined area allocated to Open Space and believes these plans remain unchanged over time; and
4.      The Conservation Commission believes that the property allocated to Open Space in the Economic Development Commission’s plan is not acceptable, is inconsistent with Town Planning and Zoning regulations, and is not in the best interests of the citizens of Newtown;
That the Conservation Commission take the following actions:
A.      Write a specific recommendation as to which of the 34.44 acres in the combined property should be retained as Open Space.  Key factors in the recommendation will be to maintain/protect the stream corridor, be a contiguous parcel of property, have no more wetlands or steep slopes than the property originally conveyed to the Town, be free of storm water treatment devices, and provide maximum utility to the citizens of Newtown for passive recreation.
B.      Provide this recommendation to the Economic Development Commission, the Inland Wetlands Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and others as appropriate; and
C.      Vigorously advocate for incorporation of this recommendation into the project through the regulatory process.

Commissioner Cramer seconded

Commissioner Cramer made the following suggested changes:
Inserting a new #2. to read:  Given that the EDC and open space properties were combined in order to protect Deep Brook.  Thereby numbers 2, 3 and 4 became 3, 4 and 5.  Changes seconded by Commissioner Barkman

Commissioner Kaley suggested further changes:
Action #A. after free storm water treatment devices, add and any other devices.  Delete “have no more wetlands or steep slopes than the property originally conveyed to the Town.  At the end, after passive recreation, add and wildlife corridors.  Seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.

Commissioner Wilson left the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

The vote for the first change was unanimous.
The vote for the second change was unanimous.
The vote on the original motion with the above changes was unanimous.

Commissioner Hovious suggested that Mr. Sibley and Scott Sharlowe work with Commissioners Barkman and Ferguson to finalize details regarding open space and linkage through Queen Street.  The EDC will be invited to discuss the issue.

3.      Publicity
Commissioner Cramer had no progress to report.  Mr. Sibley suggested a website detailing what the Commission is doing.  He will contact Jan Andras for assistance.  Commissioner Cramer will come up with some ideas for consideration.

4.      Update on draft property transfer procedure work process
Mr. Sibley distributed a draft memo regarding the recording and indexing problems when purchasing land.  Indexing should involve marking.  He noted that the Commission should require a budget in order to accomplish this.
Commissioner Barkman moved to put the draft into a formal letter.  Seconded by Mr. Ferguson.  The motion was unanimous.

5.      Education – April Aquifer presentations and Earth Day hikes.
The Commission noted the April 22 hike beginning at the Reed School.  An aquifer show at the schools is set up.  Commissioner Cramer noted that Jackson Blossom e-mailed saying they would like to do something for Earth Day.

6.      Natural Resource Inventory completion, possible intern to address vernal pools.
Commissioner Hovious advised that there is an intern who might be available to do an inventory of vernal pools.  Once defined the information would be put in the GIS system.
Commissioner Barkman moved to invite the intern to categorize vernal pool areas within the municipal boundaries.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The vote was unanimous.  The Commission suggested inviting the intern to the next meeting.
III.    New Business
Iroquois Gas Transmission letter
Commissioner Hovious referred to an April 3, 2007 letter from the Iroquois Gas regarding an open house on the extension of the pipeline through Newtown.  He recommended Commissioners attend the open house on April 24th 6 – 8.00p.m. at the Reed School.  The matter should be discussed at the next Executive Session.

IV.     Minutes Approval for 2/27/07 and 3/27/07
Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve the minutes of 2/27/07 as they appear on the Website.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  The vote was unanimous

Commissioner Cramer moved to approve the minutes of 3/27/07 as they appear on the Website.  Seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  The vote was unanimous.

Commissioner Cramer received information from Elizabeth Stocker on re-certification guidelines.  They are available in the Land Use Office.

Commissioner Hovious referred to new maps for 5 Twist Hill that appeared to incorporate suggested changes.  He will notify P&Z that they are satisfied.

Commissioner Barkman moved to adjourn.  Seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  The vote was unanimous.  The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.